Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How To Make Money With Shorte.st PROOF

How To Make Money With Shorte.st PROOF

Easiest way to make money online by shorting your links , so simple and easy my blog will teach you on how i made this amount of money FOR FREE! no need to pay to upgrade or nothing like other PTCS sites or even PTP sites.

If you are serious about making money with shorte.st then please CLICK HERE for more information and to start making money online LIKE ME! , also i will be making a facebook group to teach all new tricks and more with this awesome program. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

How To Make Money With Youtube And Shorte.st

How To Make Money With Youtube And Shorte.st

Now i have to say this is my favorite one and i do it all the time now , you guys know there is plenty but PLENTY of ways to make money online and with YOUTUBE now but this one is the most unique way and NOT alot of people are doing it , hmmm why? i don't know lol :) 

But here is on how to make money on youtube , first you do need to create an account on youtube to make money so just click on that word there and you will go straight to youtube

Next is to have a shortest account and also that is easy to do well i believe you already have one.

Next is to go to youtube and find what is HOT on youtube , do not worry i am here to tell you what is good to upload on youtube ,.

Search online for the latest news and upload a news that people will be crazy about like an example michael jacksons ghost , and on the description you need to put the link of it just say , click here to see what his family says about it and put the link , also when you get a link from shortest do not leave it as shortest you need to change it

Also you can do lyrics , upload the latest song with the lyric i guarantee you will have alot of clicks on your shortest link.

How To Make Money With Pinterest And Shorte.st

How To Make Money With Pinterest And Shorte.st

I'm sure you guys know about pinterest right? It is as famous as facebook and google and sure why not make some money with this gorgeous website where millions of fashion people willing to like your page and click on whatever fashion stuff you share ;) "SMART " 

So how do we make money with pinterest and shortest , well this is simple

First make an account on PINTEREST to start making this money already and also you need an account here on shorte.st to start if you feeling to lazy to go just click on those 2 links ;) 

The next step is to upload any picture that will attract peoples attention and for that you will need to search what is famous right now on pinterest well that is why i am here for you to tell you what is famous on pinterest , and what is famous on pinterest right now is FASHION!!! everybody is looking for new fashion way to impress other people , so why can't you just do the same and make money over it.

You will go to google and search for a nice nice fashion picture and you will put keyword in it , and i mean stuff that people are looking for , like an example you can put Rihanna's best shirt and put a link and remember to shrink your link first on adfly and then paste it on pinterest.

The most important thing of this is that you will make money fast with adfly! now you do not need followers on pinterest to have some click on your links , so for that do not worry about that the good thing about pinterest is that any body can see your picture and comment on it or even click on the link.

How To Make Money With Shorte.st And Facebook

How To Make Money With Shorte.st And Facebook

Well alot of people are concern because facebook is blocking adflys and well shorte.st also but do not panic because guess what? :) i have a trick that will work for any of these websites and again if you want to make more money don't forget to check out my other blog with making 1,000 with adfly 

Alright so let's start with how to make money with shorte.st and facebook here , first let me say this , this tricks works for me JUST FINE but if doesn't work for you just let me know comment down below and i will see what i can do to help you. 

First all you need to do is share a youtube video on your facebook , and shrink your url on Shorte.st then on TinyURL and share it , you wont have any problem well i don't but like i said if you do please let me know. 

How To Make Money With Shorte.st and Twitter

People always asking themself , "hey is it possible to make money with shortest and twitter? hey how about make money with twitter and adfly? good question , not alot of people even ask themself that question. But here i am to answer you any question you have.

Now , you probably saying okay i have a twitter , i have shortest now how can i make this money? I have a tutorial here on how to do this. 
twitterfeed signup

You have to create a twitterfeed account

With that program , you can easily choose any niche with your twitter ( will explain more later about the niche part do not panic) and you can let that work for you automatically but DO NOT WORRY we are not done. 

Rss Feed Symbol

You will need to find a RSS FEED so you can put that on your twitterfeed account, now let me explain myself here is when you are going to google and search for a NICHE - that is a topic that you will be talking about on your twitter , once you find that niche go to google and put it and next put rss like an example: 

If i decide to get a niche of xbox 360 games , i will put on google search " xbox 360 games rss" 


Adding your RSS to your TWITTERFEED account this is really simple guys do not panic please, go back to your twitterfeed account and click on create a new RSS 


Add feed twitterfeed 
rss feed url in box
As you can see all you have to do is copy the RSS you choose on google when you search and paste it there and put any feed name that is only to identify your feeds name. 

after that go to your advance settings right below where it says active right there
TF cutom shrinker
n the same screen click the "Advanced Settings" button and go to "shorten link through", there is a drop down box beside it, open it up and scroll to the bottom and select "Custom", Leave it empty for now and go back to shorte.st, while logged in to account go to the top of the page and click Tools, on the tools page go to "developers API" and click.

and you are DONE!!! now your twitter will be updating by itself whenever the rss you choose update and with the shorte.st link

How To Make Money With Shorte.st

How To Make Money With Shorte.st

What is Shorte.st Shorte.st is the fastest and easiest way to monetize the traffic you have, and, what's the most important, to make your life easier and your monthly income higher than ever! 

If you familiar with adfly you then know what i am talking about but there is a huge different. You will make more money here it is not like adfly i will explain to you why shortest is better than adfly in some ways.

You can compare them yourself , the rate , the click each click with shortest you will make more money.! I know you probably saying wow this is insane and yes it is.

In this blog you will find tricks on how to earn money with shorte.st and more.!